Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

Edited by Zoe Volt, Krystle, Tom Viren, Brandywine and 60 others
Money for nothing? Well, not quite—but close! Google’s AdSense is a revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites that places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page, or clicked on. We'll show you some good ideas that added to your own, will help increase your AdSense revenue.

Method 1 of 3: Creating an Ad Unit

  1. 1
    Sign into your AdSense account. Go to AdSense, and click on My ads in the upper left.
    • Create a new Ad unit. In the main screen area, under Content > Ad units, click the +New ad unit button.

  2. 2
    Name your ad unit. This can be any name that suits you, but many find creating a standard naming format helps them manage large amounts of data.
    • For example, using [target site for the ad]_[ad size]_[ad date] is one approach, that would look like this: mywebsite.com_336x280_080112. Whatever format you decide to use for naming, make that your standard.
  3. 3
    Pick a size. See "How to Do It" below for details, but Google has found best practices that generate more clicks.
  4. 4
    Set your ad type. This determines the types of ads you will see on your website: text only; text and image/rich media; and image/rich media only.
  5. 5
    Create a custom channel. A custom channel lets you group ad units however you choose, such as by size or location on a page.
    • You can track performance by custom channel, and turn your channel into a targetable ad placement so advertisers can target their ads to your ad units.
  6. 6
    Create your ad style. This lets you choose colors for the various components of an ad: border, title, background, text, and URL. It also lets you choose corner styles, from square to very rounded, a font family, and a default font size.
    • It's good practice to create an ad style that harmonizes with the look and colors of your website.
    • You can use Google's presets, or use your own custom settings. In either case, a sample ad on the right will show you how your ad will appear
  7. 7
    Get the code for the ad. When you're done with the ad setup, either save your ad unit, or click the Save and get code button at the bottom to get the HTML code for your site.
    • If adding code to your site is a puzzle you want help with, click here for Google's code implementation guide.

Method 2 of 3: How to Design Your Ad Campaign

  1. 1
    Analyze your content. In designing any kind of ad campaign, it's crucial to know who your target is. If you're writing a food blog that caters to single men on a budget, for example, you've narrowed the scope of who you will be appealing to. You've also got a very good focus point for your ads. What are things single men who cook drawn to? Here are some possibilities: dating, cars, movies, politics, and live music.
    • Think about who frequents your website, write down what you feel are the most important characteristics of your viewers.
  2. 2
    Fine tune advertisements. While AdSense will auto-populate your page with what they feel are relevant ads, use their tools to provide tighter controls.
    • Set up channels. Channels are like labels that let you group your ad units your way—by color, category, or pages. By setting up channels, you can get detailed reports on the performance of your ad units, and use that to your advantage. For example:
      • Use one style of ad on one group of pages, and another style on another group. Track and compare the performance of the two styles, and pick the best performer.
      • Compare performance on pages that focus on different things. For example, if your pages about gardening perform better than your pages on cooking, you might consider adding more to your gardening pages.
      • If you have separate domains, set up a channel to track each of them to see which is generating the most clicks.
  3. 3
    Optimize your ad placement and site design. Google has found there are places where ads are more effective, and places where they are less effective.
    • Ads that appear when you first arrive at your page (i.e., "above the fold" as they say in the newspaper world) tend to be more effective than those that are below the fold.
    • Ads on upper left tend to perform much better than ads on the lower right.
    • Ads directly above the primary content, and ads that appear at the bottom of the page and above the footer tend to perform very well.
    • Wider ads are generally more successful, as they are much easier to read.
    • Ads that display images or video perform very well.
    • Using colors that complement your website colors will make them more readable, and so more effective.
  4. 4
    Learn how AdSense works. AdSense automatically sends ads to your site based on a few different criteria:
    • Contextual targeting. AdSense crawlers scan your page, analyze your content, and serve up ads designed match your content. They do this using keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the link structure of the web.
    • Placement targeting. This allows advertisers to choose to run their ads on specific subsections of a publisher's website. If your website matches an advertisers criteria, their ad will appear on your page.
    • Interest-based advertising. This lets advertisers reach users based on their interests and the user's previous interactions with them, such as a visit to their website. Google's Ads Preferences Manager allows users themselves to choose their interest categories, which further helps advertisers focus their ad campaigns. This method is good for monetizing your site more efficiently, as it increases the value for advertisers and provides a more relevant experience for users.

Method 3 of 3: What's it Worth?

  1. 1
    Manage your expectations. When you sign up for AdSense, you'll want to know what kind of revenue can you expect to see. There is a lot that goes into what kind of return you can expect, and managing those things will help you maximize your earning potential.
  2. 2
    Traffic. First and formost, in order to generate any kind of revenue from AdSense you must have people clicking on your ads. In order for this to happen, you need to have people on your site, reading your content! Whether you have a business website, or a personal blog, the rule is the same: Get the word out!
    • Heavily trafficked large sites can see over a million hits a day, whereas a blog might feel lucky if they have 100 visitors a day.
    • For every thousand page impressions (views) you receive, you may earn from $.05 to $5. Yes, that's a broad range—over a month, that is between $1.50 and $150.00! Where in that range you can expect to frequent depends entirely on you, your site, and your promotion efforts.
  3. 3
    Cost Per Click (CPC). This paid every time somebody clicks an ad on your page. No, you can't click your own ad—Google will see this, and shut you down so fast your head will spin. The advertisers set the price for these ads, and they can vary greatly.
    • An advertiser may spend a lot on a per-click basis, but that ad may generate very little interest on your site.
    • An ad that may generate $.03 per click may get 100 hits, but that doesn't add up to much.
  4. 4
    Clickthrough Rate (CTR). This is the percentage of visitors to your site compared to how many them actually clicked on an ad. If 100 people came to your site, and 1 of them clicked an ad, your CTR is 1%, and that's not an unreasonable number. You can see how getting more traffic to your site will really make a difference.
  5. 5
    Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM). This is an estimate of how much you might receive if you have 1000 impressions (page views).
    • If you made, for example, $1 for 100 impressions, your RPM would be $10. There is no guarantee you'll make that, but it's a good way to check the overall performance of your site.
  6. 6
    Content is king. The quality of your content is an important factor in understanding your earning potential. If your site provides rich, compelling content and a great user experience, you will have more interested users. Google's crawlers will also have an easier time determining the type of ad content would best fit on your site. Interested users + targeted ads = $$$
  7. 7
    Start building keyword-rich pages. Liberally seed with well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site.
    • If your site is about topics such as debt consolidation, web hosting or asbestos-related cancer, you’ll earn much more per click than if it’s about free puppies.
    • If you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you’ll face stiff competition. What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply, so do some careful keyword research before you build your pages.

Webee is the first Smart Home that connects and controls your home appliances through one simple App


Click here to get yours free through our THANK YOU program

Webee is the first Smart Home that connects and controls your home appliances through one simple App, while providing personal suggestions customized to you, to save money and improve efficiency. Compatible with any other smart technology! 

Safety | Comfort | Convenience | Control | Energy Efficiency | Security

Webee is the first plug and play smart home that learns from you and programs itself. Unlike traditional Smart Home Automation Systems, Webee allows you to control your home and also learns from your habits, lifestyle and schedule, to automatically suggest ways to save you money, make your life more efficient and more comfortable.
You can control a wide variety of household items, from TV to stereo, coffee makers, light switches, all through the hub called "Boss" and Webee's mobile App. 

There will come a time when you won’t even have to think of every little detail or even be reminded, Webee will do the thinking for you and SAVE YOU A LOT OF MONEY by learning from you.

Webee does both! Here is an idea of some things Webee can do for you:

Really simple, in just three steps: 

No need to hire someone to setup and optimize,  it does it for you, right out of the box. Webee's plug'n play hardware can make nearly any electronic device you already own, a smart device through our Hub (Boss) and  low cost devices designed for you.

The hub called “Boss” discovers and connects all the smart objects in your home, allowing you to control them from anywhere through a simple App. 
RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX! No need to hire someone to setup.
  • Compatible with all operating systems (IOS, Android, microsoft,...)
  • Wifi, Zwave, and Zigbee to connect with any appliance in the world.
  • With Boss turn your TV into Smart TV so you can enjoy all the contents of your mobile device in your big screen.
  • Complex Security protocols to protect information in the cloud.

MyWebee App allows you to:

  • Control your home from anywhere.
  • Unify and control all your smart objects through one App (Phillips Hue, Nest Thermostat,..).
  • Get notifications and alerts of doors opened, alarms, sprinklers, appliances, just to start!.
  • Get suggestions based on your own daily actions to improve energy efficiency.
  • Set rules and actions to make your life easier ("going to bed", "vacation",..).
  • Get many energy efficiency tips to save money!

Control any home device and functionality.

Check it out! Already in Google Play! AppStore for IOS coming VERY soon! 

Perfect! All you need is the Webee hub, "Boss" that will allow you to control and optimize all of your other smart devices through the MyWebee App.
Maybe you own a Nest Thermostat, a Smart Washer or Lighting Control System, you can have them learn from you and make optimization suggestions through just 1 app. If you don't have Smart Objects, find below the easy low cost solution!

Not a problem, Webee makes the old, new: Webee has what we call "Bees". The Bees will turn nearly anything into a smart device with NO COSTLY UPGRADES. 

*Find detailed information on our Bees in our    

Upgrade the old. For example, Webee can turn your current non- smart Washing Machine or Thermostat into a Smart Washer or Smart Thermostat simply by adding one our Bees to the electrical outlet. 

All you need to start turning your home into smart is the Boss and the App: 

Simply by implementing this modest set up, you will save far more than $99 in energy savings by allowing your smart devices to speak to each other through the Webee Cloud.
With the Hub (Boss) you can also turn your TV into a Smart TV.  Take it out of the box and start controlling your home appliances in 10 minutes! 
If you’re outside the US, keep in mind to add $30 to your total pledge and we will be able to ship it internationally. You may need to pay extra if the package exceeds the $30 weight limit.

Certifications: Webee is in the process of obtaining certifications for all of our markets: America (UL498), Australia and New Zealand (AS3112), Britain (BS 1363), China (CCC)  and Europe (CE 7/7).  We will send you updates as they come.

  • Dim your light during the day and night and take advantage of natural light while reducing your energy bill.
  • Use sensors to turn on/off lights as needed, from anywhere.
  • Turn off a light your forgot on when you already left home.

  • Optimize your thermostat settings by factoring in weather forecast, sunrise/sunset, ocuppancy.
  • Close your blinds each day to reduce or increase sun heating.
  • Switch between fans and more expensive heating or cooling systems to maintain your preferred temperature.

  • Replace countless remotes and control all them from MyWebee App.
  • Turn your TV into a SmartTV. 
  • Have your coffee ready in the morning.

  • Lock the door you forgot when you already left home.
  • Know your kids got home safely.
  • Turn on lights to appear you are home.

A scene is a sequence of actions defined by your preferences. We’ll paint a picture of how your life could look like using scenes.
  • Do you leave the house every day around 8:30 AM? Webee can turn the thermostat down to save up energy; it can also start warming up the house by turning up the temperature for when you come back, let’s say 6:30 PM? Done. 
  • The sprinklers work harder during summer months. One of your rules can be that during winter, the sprinklers only turn on every other day. 
  • What if you’re working late and you’re worried about an empty house? You can set the lights to turn on, from wherever you are, at a certain time in random patterns so it looks like someone is home.

The lights in your bedroom can gradually turn on, while the TV, with a slowly increasing volume goes to your favorite music channel, and your morning coffee is ready for you to enjoy. 
“Going to bed”, “Arriving home”, “Vacation” can be the type of customized scenes that you can setup to make your daily life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Change the way you consume and pay for energy. With Webee, you open up another dimension of savings...

If you pledge to our Indiegogo Campaign, you tell us what devices you have and we will determine the optimal placement of each of Webee's "Bees" to save you the most money.

10 Quick Reasons Why You Need Webee

We want any developer in the world to be able to build their own Webee Universe within a couple of minutes and share it with Webee, Java, Android, Arduino, Raspberry, Linux, among others. Our goal is to allow all the members of the developers communities to create innovative products and solutions with open innovation approach. 

Open Hardware and Software to enhance compatibility.
We are working with open hardware and software, meaning that our product is virtually compatible with everything!
Meaning that there’s nowhere in the world where you can’t set up your Webee universe. Meaning, what’s taking you so long to get yours started?
Get the Developer's Kit to build your own Bees. For $149 you can start building your own Smart Learning Universe.

WIFICL: Wifi & upnp cluster libraries
ZCL: Zigbee cluster libraries
ZWCL: Z-wave cluster libraries
AILCL: Artificial intelligence & Learning cluster libraries
Webee Cluster libraries allow nets and wifi/zigbee/z-wave devices to interact from mobile apps installed in the Boss or through other devices, android apps, Microsoft among others.

Hive M3 is our development board that allows you to create your own universe of things with third party hardware and software. With this small board, you can make anything smart and connect to the internet.
In other words, this device (or breakout board) allows you to INTEGRATE your own circuits or any other devices like Arduino, Raspberry boards, among others with our device called “Boss”, My Webee cloud and MyWebee app.
Hive M3 has two buses that can be used according to your needs. One of them is anSPI bus and the other is RS-232 bus.
You simply have to connect your own circuit or device to any bus of Hive M3. Then Hive M3 can work as a bridge between your circuit and Boss.
Finally you can create your own Android App, install it in the Boss and control your own devices from YOUR APP, My Webee Cloud, MyWebee app and from everywhere.

We’ve been working around the clock to make this happen. After the Indiegogo goal is reached, thanks to the help of generous and groundbreaking minded backers, we’ll get to mass scale production.
Here is the countdown:
January: Minor tweaks and test in the Webee prototypes for all the smart devices (Boss, Bees, among others).
February: Final approval for the Webee prototypes for all the smart devices (Boss, Bees, among others) and packaging development.
March: Certifications Completed. Mass scale production for all the pieces.
April: Final focus on Geek Alert and developer's hardware/ software items and deliver all perks to the funders.

If you’re outside the US, keep in mind to add $30 to your total pledge and we will be able to ship it internationally. You may need to pay extra if the package exceeds the $30 weight limit.

The Webee Management Team
Lucas Funes | CEO | Vision in Product Design | Founder | Bio:
Created more than 15 innovative cutting-edge products. Entrepreneurial by nature with more than 12 years of experience in start-up creations and high impact software development teams.
Marcelo Paladini | Chairman | Business Development | Investor | Bio:
Serial entrepreneur; co-founder and CEO of Cynergy Data, a leading electronic payments processor in the US, with annual revenues in excess of $135 million and more than 100,000 merchant locations.
Leonardo Giordano | CTO | Electronic Manufacturing | Bio:
More than 10 years in technology integration and electronic manufacturing. Co-founder of ControlNet, an electronic manufacturing company, with more than 10,000 devices using ARM and SMD technology, with a solid supply chain from China and USA.
FĂ©lix Hasenclever | VP Sales & Marketing | Investor | Bio:
Senior Specialist in Retail Distribution Strategy. Marketing Director in Nokia Latam and Chief in Distribution Channel USD 30 MM budget, with USD 600 MM sales, 1400 sales force and more than 11.000 PoS.
Esteban Sanchez | COO | Operations | Bio:
More than 15 years of experience in financial institutions leading investing projects, financial analysis. Founder and CFO of two of his companies, responsible for cash flow capital structure, business development, strategic planning and funding.
Federico Ferral | International Business Development | Investor | Bio:
Chief in International Business in Arcor (global manufacture enterprise) for over 3 years where he developed the African market, with global results for 60 MM. Co-founder at Femex SA.

The Webee Development and Communications Team
Guillermo Battistel | VP Firmware Development
Francisco Vonscheid | VP Hardware Development
Francisco Herrero | VP Big Data and Cloud Computing
Sohar Ruiz | VP Engineering
Anibal Villarreal | User experience, interaction and user interface design
Eugenia Sincovich | VP Community and Product Evangelism



1a. What’s Webee?
Webee is a new affordable way to connect all your home appliances and control them from anywhere through a smart hub called “Boss”, and an App called “MyWebee” that learns from your daily choices, and provides more efficient ways to use your smart objects while suggesting actions tailored for you.
1b. How easy is the setup?
It’s super easy! You simply plug in the hub Boss, and it automatically recognizes any smart objects around and add them to a unique network to control them anywhere through MyWebee App. Boss, will start learning from your choices and give you suggestions (based on your actions) to improve efficiency.
If you have no smart objects yet, we developed plug and play, low cost devices to update your current appliances called “Bees”, you just apply the Bee to the object, and Boss will immediately pick it up.
1c. How will Webee work if I don't have smart objects?
We developed small low cost devices called Bees, with different functions to turn your daily objects into smart! Most of them are Plug and Play, so you just get a Bee, plug it it, and be smart!

1d. What are Bees?
A Bee is a Plug and Play simple device that will turn your object into a smart object in case you don’t currently own some. For example, our Smart Lamp Holder will give you the ability to control your lights from anywhere, by simply applying it to the light socket.

1e. Why are they called “Learning Spaces”?
Every action that you perform on your smart daily objects is stored and converted into metrics to learn how you, particularly, live your life. That way, MyWebee App will be able to suggest more efficient ways of using your smart objects and even Scenes in which to make them work for you while saving money.
1f. How many Boss and Bees should I get?
Only one Boss is needed to get your home or office started. Bees should be added depending on your type of space and the functions you want to automate. You can get as many Bees as you’d like and keep adding more as you see fit.
If you already own smart objects from other manufacturers, no Bees are needed!  Keep in mind that if you choose to automate more than one space, you will need another Boss, but you can still control them from one simple App!
1g. What are “Scenes”?
A scene is a sequence of actions to be performed by your smart objects, defined by your preferences. You can set them up on your MyWebee App, according to your needs; and since Webee learns from you, it will eventually suggest Scenes on its own, based on your daily choices.

2a. Is the App “MyWebee” free?
Yes! You can download the App for free from Google Play Store and very soon on iTunes Store.
2b. Do I need to pay monthly fees?
As a thank you for helping us at this stage, we’re offering our amazing funders, all of the cloud services for free, forever. Free services include: cloud hosting, e-mail and SMS alerts.
2c. When exactly will the shipping start?
There’s three months between manufacturing, several certifications and shipping. The great news is, our product is absolutely ready for mass scale production, so no development needed.

2d. How will you handle shipping with international funders?
International funders outside the US need to add $30 to their pledge in order for us to ship it to where they are. However, that amount might be higher if the package exceeds the weight on $30 size (like if you got excited and ordered tons of Bees!). We will discuss each particular case.

3a. Is my information safely kept?
We’ve developed and ensured encrypted security protocols to protect your information’s safety and confidentiality. Your information will be guarded when travelling between the devices, to and from the Boss and the cloud; it will also be kept safe while being stored and when managed through the App. Only you, or those whom you pick, can access the information and manage the Webee Universe. You can also set up and activate your privacy mode by turning off specific functions or erasing information.
We monitor and control our cloud services constantly to keep intruders out! We’re all about taking worries away from you mind, not bringing new ones!
If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please direct your query by e-mail to

YES. The technical answer:
Webee provides many services that use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for more secure browser connections . The APIs support HTTPS, where Information sent via HTTPS is encrypted from the time it leaves the Webee cloud until it is received by the recipient’s computer. It will also be kept safe while being stored and when managed through the App.
Webee performs High level of security, Malware Prevention, Monitoring, Vulnerability Management, Incident management, Network security, Transport Layer Security, Operating System Security
Webee's Zigbee technology works with a 128-256 bits Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and Counter CBC-MAC (CCM*) mode to provide defense against attacks.
Production servers are based on a version of Linux that has been customized to be able to maintain control over the entire hardware and software stack and support a secure application environment.
If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please direct your query by e-mail to

4a. How will Webee work if I don’t have smart objects?
We developed small low cost devices called Bees, with different functions to turn your daily objects into smart! Most of them are Plug and Play, so you just get a Bee, plug it it, and be smart!
4b. I have smart objects, will Webee work?
Yes! Webee is compatible with most of the Zigbee, Z-wave and Wifi smart objects that are out in the market right now. Do you have NEST thermostat? A Phillips Hue light bulb? Samsung TV or Anything that runs on wifi? All of those smart objects will be added to the network, no questions asked!

4c. Will Boss read SD cards, USB drives?
Yes, absolutely! Boss can read SD cards and all types of USB hard drives, so you can enjoy of all the contents of your mobile devices, cameras, laptop on your Smart TV (if your TV wasn’t smart already, Boss just made it smart!) in full HD!

5a. What is Hive M3?
Hive m3 is our development board that allows you to create your own universe of things with third party hardware and software. This device (or breakout board) allows to INTEGRATE your own circuits or any other devices like Arduino, Raspberry boards, among others with our device called “Boss”, My webee cloud and my webee app.
5b. Do I need to setup something in my computer?

Only developers will need to install and setup software depending on the technology they are looking to work with. There’s a ton of open source and free SDKs available to download that will allow developers to work with the Webee Universe; as an example you can use Eclipse with android SDK to start creating your Webee Universe in 10 minutes! Also you can test your creations with MyWebee app, with full functioning of the Webee Universe learning from Boss and Cloud interactions.
5c. What kind of Appi's does Webee provide?
Webee provides a wide range of Android Packages and APIs to interact with the things and spaces in your universe, so you can take full advantage of the Internet of Things.
5d. Will I have access to source codes and schematics diagrams examples?
Yes! You will have early access to open hardware (schematics diagrams), APIs documentation & source codes examples so you can run your own Webee Universe in a matter of minutes
5f. What is the range of the Boos?The Boss combines two powerful mesh networking technologies that allow a direct range of up to 150-300ft that can vary according to different factors, mainly environmental. After that direct range of the Boss to the smart daily object, the range will be empowered by the capabilities of the smart objects to connect to each other and then to the Boss. It’s like playing tag!

Any other questions? We are glad to help you!

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