Monday, January 13, 2014

Help Menna Alaa report back on ground in Egypt

Help Menna Alaa report back on ground in Egypt

"News reporting is a cycle: No matter how much you work at sending a message, it's only successful if it's received"

I am no hero, no one is…but I decided to do what my parents taught me: "Show the truth…and nothing but the truth". Every time I went to a protest, I kept assuring myself that I'm doing the right thing….those people need to be heard.
Menna Alaa is a Cairo based freelance journalist and student who has been covering events in Egypt as they escalated. Menna has made sure that she takes the risks in Egyptian streets in order to make sure that the voices of protesters are heard whether through videos or photos.
Over the escalating events, Menna risked her life in order to show how events unfolded while bearing in  mind that the audience need to see truth as it really is. Now the Egyptian political sphere is being reshaped and the need for independent, honest, and objective journalism is now a must.
The only problem now is that Menna was assaulted by a group of angry protesters last July while covering their protest and had her camera smashed and therefore lost all her equipment. ( Full Testimony of what happened here on prominent Egyptian blogger Zeinobia's blog here: )
As an aspiring journalist and journalism student, Menna would appreciate it if you would help her buy new equipment so she reports back on ground as soon as possible.
Former work I did for Privately Owned Al Masry Al Youm newspaper (ِAR):
Al Masry Al Youm's coverage of my assault (AR):
Everyone needs to be heard, it's for sure that such journalism would continue to govern forever

Why $2840?
$2500 to buy:  Canon EOS 6D 20.2 MP CMOS DSLR + EF 24-105 mm IS Lens
$340 is the 4% charged by
Donating, sharing this campaign on Facebook/Twitter, or even spreading the word would be appreciated. Stay awesome! 

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